I'm using Android Studio (Beta) 0.8.1 and appcompat ver 7.19 along with corresponding support ActionBar I've attached a screenshot along with the code i'm using. This is clearly not true since it is displaying the graph. When the example runs, it shows the graph but within the graph there are 4 lines stating a)NoHorizontalAxis, b) NoVerticalAxis, c)NoSeries and d) NoData. Not sure whether its an issue with my version.ģ. placing it where it is shown in the video results in the example crashing. The example does not run unless you move chartView.getSeries().add(lineSeries) as the last line in the code. I had to use just "this" instead of this.getBaseContext()Ģ. in the video he uses code like RadCartesianChartView chartView = new RadCartesianChartView(this.getBaseContext()) replicating this resulted in an error and the program would not run. Proj.I decided to replicate line for line the example provided here so as to see if i could get a working example.ġ. If building with the non-bitcode version of the plugin, these lines should be uncommented.ĭebug.Log(" ProcessPostBuild - Setting build property: ENABLE_BITCODE = NO") Proj.AddFrameworkToProject(target, framework, false)

List of frameworks that will be added to project

String target = proj.TargetGuidByName("Unity-iPhone") This is the Xcode target in the generated project PBXProject class represents a project build settings file, String projPath = path + "/Unity-iPhone.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj" Only perform these steps for iOS buildsĭebug.Log(" ProcessPostBuild - Adding Google Analytics frameworks.") Private static void ProcessPostBuild(BuildTarget buildTarget, string path) Link below is the reference documentation * possible to modify build settings values and also perform other actions * This ProcessPostBuild method will run via Unity Cloud Build, as well as Public static void OnPostprocessBuild(BuildTarget buildTarget, string path)ĭebug.Log(" OnPostprocessBuild") * Runs after successful build of an iOS-targetted Unity project ProcessPostBuild(BuildTarget.iOS,exportPath)

Public static void OnPostprocessBuildiOS (string exportPath)ĭebug.Log(" OnPostprocessBuildiOS") PostBuildProcessor.OnPostprocessBuildiOS This method is added in the Advanced Features Settings on UCB * 'PostBuildProcessor.OnPostprocessBuildiOS' in your Unity Cloud Build * Runs when Post-Export method has been set to Public class PostBuildProcessor : MonoBehaviour This is my PostBuildProcessor.cs file (that has not been changed):

After updating Unity to v5.3.4 (i think this is the reason, because besides small graphic changes i added nothing to the project) i get this error when using the cloud build:ĮRROR: Caught exception invoking method 'OnPostprocessBuildiOS': parameters do not match signature